Alt Bridal Styled Shoot with Mizz Rio!

Who is 'Mizz Rio' aka Mags!

“We provide a unique escape for non-traditional brides seeking to break free from the constraints of traditional wedding dresses and find something a little more alternative. With a thoughtfully curated collection of unconventional and daring and alternative wedding gowns, accessories, and captivating headpieces, we offer a refreshing departure from the conventional wedding dress shopping experience. It caters to brides who want to make a bold fashion statement on their special day, offering a variety of innovative designs that incorporate exceptional materials, intricate embellishments, and unexpected shapes.

Dreaming of your wedding dress isn’t essential but booking your first appointment is. We guarantee you will feel welcomed, supported, encouraged and guided towards the perfect wedding dress or look for you.

We cant wait to meet you!

Mags x”

Outfit 1 - "Sasha"

Outfit 2 - "Nixie"

Outfit 3 - "Florence & Harley"

Outfit 4 - "Isabella & Valencia"

Outfit 5 - "Genevieve"

Outfit 6 - "Farah + Polly" combos

Outfit 7 - Bespoke Jumpsuit